“Business, because its function is to create a customer and sustain it, has only two purposes: marketing and innovation. Marketing and innovation are the only two functions that build businesses that sustain paying revenue. Everything else is an expense.”

Dr. Peter Drucker

Lucky Career Mistakes

The ultra-successful are constantly asked the secret of their success. Usually the answers reflect the things they did right; but as often as not, their mistakes were just as formative in their later success.  Spend a few minutes with 17 successful people sharing the best career mistakes they’ve ever made.

10 Really Cool Tech Time Savers

If TED.com thinks it’s worth a few minutes to share the following simple technology time savers then they must be worth learning about…and they are! Spend six minutes with New York Times Personal Technology Columnist David Pogue as he shares his Top Ten Technology Tips   (many of which I’ll wager you are not aware of) for easier use of your PC, Smart Phone, Ipad and digital camera.

Want a Great Team?  Hire a Neurotic Introvert Today!!

When recruiting for teams, be it choosing sides for ball games as kids or recruiting for our companies, many are tempted to pick the extroverts; the people who naturally stand out because they are assertive or display other forms of extroverted behaviors. A recent study summarized in Inc. Magazine suggests that this may be short sighted; a few neurotic introverts may be what the team really needs for peak performance.

Econ Recon:  The Underground RECOVERY….Being in the Right Place at the Right Time

The Underground RECOVERY: The recovery from the recession has been a slow one according to the usual statistics…..but could there be a stronger economy than the numbers present to us? A brief article by financial writer James Surowiecki asserts that a far larger part of the nation’s commerce is done “off the books” than most realize….  and why we may be participating in an Underground Recovery.

The Right Place at the Right Time:   Vistage Staff Economist and ITR Economics Principal Alan Beaulieu looks at recent headlines about growing income inequality between the “rich” and the “Middle Class” and suggests that the game, contrary to the claims of the media, is not rigged. His short piece “Being at the Right Place at the Right Time” is worth reading.