“I would rather try to persuade a man to go along, because once I have persuaded him he will stick.
If I scare him, he will stay just as long as he is scared, and then he is gone. “

Dwight D. Eisenhower
Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces in World War II
(June 6 was the 69th anniversary of the Normandy Invasion)

Windows 8….go ahead

Windows 8 has gotten a bad rap…does it deserve it? Not at all, says Vistage Speaker and IT Security Expert, Mike Foster, who in his latest blog says “You already know how to use Windows 8. It is faster, better, and more secure. What are you waiting for? “ Learn why he says that  by clicking here.

Top 10 Bad Apps

There are hundreds of thousands of apps for the IPhone and other smart phones…do you know which ones have the most negative effect on office productivity? Check out this article from Inc Magazine for the Top 10 Apps Banned in the Office based on a survey of 4,000 companies.

D-Day Lessons for Entrepreneurs

June 6th, was the 69th anniversary of the Normandy Invasion to liberate Europe.  Check out these D-Day Lessons for Entrepreneurs.

Econ Recon:

An Upside Surprise:  Economist Brian Wesbury looks at the most recent jobs numbers and suggests that the odds of continuing economic growth are better than the economy falling back into recession. Learn in this six minute video why he says to Look Out for an Upside Surprise.”

….and The Tide Keeps Coming In: Vistage Staff Economist and ITR Economics Principal Alan Beaulieu shares another example of “on shoring” (i.e. the return of American Manufacturing jobs from oversea)  as two major smartphone manufacturers show the free market at work.  Alan’s comments about none of the jobs being created by government stimulus but rather by free market forces are in total agreement with my blog posts from last year “A Government’s Role in “Job Creation” and “The hypocritical American consumer.”